Channel: 11Prompt
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Can the universe come from nothing if space-time is emergent?

Once scientists have come to the conclusion that space-time is not fundamental but emergent, now many things will change in physics and cosmology. One such change is that cosmologists can no longer...

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God, The Full and Final Version

[There will be lots of repetitions here. It is unavoidable because this is the full and final version.] God is not only described by the theists as omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, but as...

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Our universe is multi-layered and God can reside in it at some deeper layer

As theists frequently claim about God that he is outside space and time, so some atheists have mistakenly thought that this means God is outside the universe. As there is nothing outside the universe,...

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God-question being existential, can be answered by science only

If there is a God at all, then any evidence for the existence of that God must come from science only because the language of science is the only language that will be the same everywhere in the...

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Was emergent spacetime fundamental at the beginning of the universe?

In one YouTube comment thread one atheist has remarked that it is really infuriating that all the apologist arguments that he has seen presented so far have ultimately failed to provide any proof for...

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For an extraordinary claim, there is extraordinary evidence

In one YouTube comment thread, someone has written: 'Furthermore, the concept of being spaceless and timeless is the same as not existing at all'.God is said to be spaceless and timeless. As this is an...

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God and the Multiverse

Below is a quote from the Mindscape presented by theoretical physicist Sean Carroll. Here, two physicists, Carroll and Leonard Susskind are discussing the fine-tuning of parameters and the existence of...

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Fight against Coronavirus!

Fight against Coronavirus: What every one & community can do now to decrease the spread of the coronavirus!

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Wave-function of the universe shows multiverse is impossible

Physicists are now saying that spacetime is emergent. Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll has already authored and published a book: ‘Something deeply hidden: quantum worlds and the emergence of...

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Why the first cause must be uncaused

There is a reason as to why the first cause must have to be uncaused. We can find this reason from our concept of The Whole.The concept of The Whole is an exceptionally extraordinary concept because...

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So easy, yet so difficult

Let us play a game. Let us suppose that there is a creator of this universe. If this creator is to keep proof of his existence in the created world in such a way that it can be easily recognized as...

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Do time and distance really shrink to zero at light-speed?

So far as I can remember, there are these two equations in Einstein’s special theory of relativity: l1 = l(1-v2/c2)1/2……. (1) t1 = t((1-v2/c2)1/2……. (2)From the above two equations, two conclusions can...

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The Ultimate Justification for a Creator

Part ITwo reasons can be given as to why an entity may be spaceless and timeless: 1) Reason A: If the entity is not within any space and time, then it will naturally be spaceless and timeless. We can...

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God is not Purely Imaginary

God is not purely imaginary, because God has also been described as spaceless and timeless.In this 21st century, physicists are no longer saying that spacetime is fundamental; rather, they are saying...

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One-particle universe

If it were possible for a human being to be simultaneously present at both New York and London, then the distance between these two cities would be zero for that human being. But, for all the other...

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In Defense of Emergent Spacetime

My justification for writing this post is that only emergent spacetime can ultimately lead to God. So, we must defend it in every possible way.Recently, I have posted the following in one Facebook...

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Spaceless, Timeless, and Immaterial

Physicists have shown that the total energy of the universe is zero. Based on this, and with the help of the two theories of relativity, we can show that the universe is spaceless, timeless, and...

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Why Nature is in Tooth and Claw

In one YouTube comment thread, a person wrote the following: He had watched a documentary on animals and sea life. He was watching how vicious nature could be. Sharks were killing seals, and alligators...

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Is mystical experience a hallucination?

Mystics who have claimed that they have a direct vision of God have always described that God as spaceless and timeless. But mystical experiences have been discarded by secular-minded people as merely...

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Why spacetime is not fundamental

Now, we all know that spacetime is not fundamental, because physicists are saying so. But, do we know the reason why spacetime cannot be fundamental?This is a physics question as well as a philosophy...

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