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Can Multiverse Theory be true if the total energy of the univese is zero?


Can multiverse theory be true if the total energy
of the universe is zero?

The first half of the 20th century brought a revolutionary change into our concept about space and time. Earlier it was thought that space and time were having independent existence, and that they were absolute. Even if all the matter disappeared from the universe, space would remain the same and unaffected. Similar view was held about time also, that time flowed in the same way throughout the universe and that this flow did not depend on anything. But with the coming of Einstein’s theory of relativity our concept about space and time has undergone a total and drastic change. Now we have come to know that if there is no matter, then neither will there be any space and time. With the disappearance of matter space and time will also disappear. As there cannot be any space and time without matter, so we can say that the existence of space and time depends on the existence of matter. Now we have also come to know that matter and energy are equivalent. So we can say that the existence of space and time depends on the existence of energy. When there will be energy, there will be space and time as well. Similarly, when there will be space and time, there will have to be some energy associated with that space and time. This is the first point that we will have to remember for our purpose here.

The second point that we will have to remember is that scientists have shown that the total energy of the universe is exactly zero. On the basis of this data scientists generally argue that the universe needs no creator for its coming into existence, and that it can create itself from nothing.

On the basis of these two scientific data i.e. 1) that there cannot be any space and time without energy, and 2) that the total energy of the universe is zero, I will now proceed to show as to why the multiverse theory cannot be true.

First of all I will here examine which condition the universe will have to satisfy in order that it can have zero energy. For this purpose I will assume that as we are placed within the space of the universe, so the universe as a whole is also placed within some higher space. In order to differentiate the outer space within which the universe is placed from the inner space of the universe, we will designate the outer space as the superspace. Although it is called superspace, yet as mere space both the inner space and the outer space are the same. Now I will ask the question: can the universe have zero energy if it is placed within this superspace? Now I have already made it very clear that the superspace is also space, and that therefore it can exist only in case it has some energy associated with it. Now the superspace contains the universe within it, and therefore the universe must have some energy so that the superspace containing the universe can exist at all. Thus we find that if there is space outside the universe, then the total energy of the universe cannot be zero.

So, our conclusion is this: in order that the universe can have zero energy, it cannot have any space at all outside it.

This is the reason as to why multiverse theory cannot be true.

What Is the Big Picture in Fundamental Physics?


What Is the Big Picture in Fundamental Physics? [by Philip E. Gibbs]: http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/292 It is worthy to note that a theist vs atheist divide increasingly polarises Western politics and science. It has already pushed the centre of big science out of the United States over to Europe. It is no longer sufficient to justify fundamental science as a pursuit of pure knowledge when the men with the purse strings see it as an attack on their religion.

The future of fundamental experimental science is beginning to shift further East and its future hopes will be found in Asia along with the economic prosperity that depends on it. In this essay, I will give my view on the big picture of fundamental physics in light of the historical discovery of Higgs boson. Although this discovery completes the standard model, many mysteries remain. It is not unreasonable to hope that some further experimental input may provide clues that lead to some new answers. But there is another avenue for progress. While experiment is limited by the reality of global economics, theory is limited only by our intellect and imagination. But the time scale for new discoveries is lengthening and the cost is growing.

On Quantum Gravity & Graviton from Non-Mainstream Perspective


On Quantum Gravity & Graviton from Non-Mainstream Perspective
by Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu

The natures of quantum gravity and graviton are reviewed and explored from the non-mainstream perspectives. It turns out that quantum gravity is likely manifestation of quantum entanglement and mediated by wave-functions of elementary particles as nonlocal objects. Thus, each elementary particle has its corresponding gravitons comprised of its external and internal wave-functions as nonlocal objects. This new understanding allows one to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity and explain dark matter and dark energy as nonlocal effects on the cosmic scales. To make the transition from quantum gravity to general relativity, it is theorized that: (1) Ricci scalar R and metric tensor gmn are originated from and determined by the collective internal and external wave functions of the matter present; (2) in the absence of nonlocal effect of remote matter through quantum entanglement, R and gmn are only correlated to momentum-energy tensor of the local matter; (3) in the presence of nonlocal effect of remote matter through quantum entanglement, R and gmn are also influenced by the nonlocal effect of the remote matter currently interpreted (or seen) as dark matter and/or dark energy. Some of the important consequences of this theory are the following: (1) gravitational fields (gravitons as nonlocal objects comprised of internal and external wave functions) may not carry localized or directly detectable momentum and energy; and (2) there may be no gravitational wave since gravity is nonlocal and instantaneous. See: http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/293

Unity Principle: The Truth in the Mirror of Dialectical Logic


Unity Principle: The Truth in the Mirror of Dialectical Logic
by Peter Kohut

Deeper truth of our existence might have evaded detection by the materialistic science. The reality seems to have disintegrated into many different and independent spheres, but we feel intuitively that a great variety of existing forms should have a common basis. How can we come to the true knowledge about our existence? A great desire of man is to find a true meaning of our life and the essence of being. Many philosophers and scientists have expressed the Unity Principle by saying “everything is connected to everything else”, but few have detected its essence. On the base of dialectical logic, the Unity Principle is discovered which illustrate not only the exact mechanism how the physical universe may work, but also the essence of consciousness and subsequently personal God representing the whole self-aware and self-creating reality of the highest complexity. See: http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/issue/view/39

Consciousness (God) Centered Quantum Reality


Consciousness (God) Centered Quantum Reality
by Steven E. Kaufman

What quantum theory has revealed about the nature of reality has remained hidden in plain sight for almost one-hundred years because what quantum theory has revealed about the nature of reality cannot be comprehended in the context of the materialist model and conception of reality in which science presently operates, which materialist model places physical reality at the center of reality and Consciousness at the periphery, as a secondary or derivative reality. What this work will demonstrate, by explaining the heretofore inexplicable basis of the phenomena that lie at the heart of quantum theory, is that it is Consciousness (God) rather than physical reality that lies at the center of reality, and that it is physical reality rather than Consciousness that is a secondary or derivative reality. Specifically, wave-particle duality, quantum uncertainty, quantum non-locality, the probabilistic nature of the wavefunction, and the collapse of the wavefunction, will all be shown to be phenomena that have as their basis the way in which the fundamental Reality of Consciousness (God), through relation to Itself, creates what it apprehends as physical reality.

One of the most important things the phenomena that lie at the heart of quantum theory will be shown to reveal about the nature of reality is that the nature of physical reality is like that of a reflection, and like a reflection, physical reality is able to obscure from view what is actually there, as long as it is mistaken for what is actually there. Thus, in revealing the reflection-like nature of physical reality, the phenomena that lie at the heart of quantum theory indirectly reveal that what is actually there, underlying the reflection that is physical reality, is the non-physical, non-experiential Reality of Consciousness (God) that is, through relation to Itself, both creating and apprehending experiential reality in general and physical reality in particular. Ultimately, understanding the reflection-like nature of physical reality should make it possible for Individuals to understand that what actually Exists directly where they are, where their physical bodies appear to be, is not different in Nature than what actually Exists everywhere else as well, where the rest of physical reality appears to be, thereby disabusing them of the notion that what they are is a physical reality, while at the same time revealing to them their true Nature as part of Consciousness (God), which, through relation to that which is also Consciousness (God), creates what they, as Individual points of Consciousness (God), apprehend as experiential reality in general and physical reality in particular.

See: http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/issue/view/40

Mind Over Matter: Experimental Research & Investigation


Mind Over Matter: Experimental Research & Investigation

Simulated Effects of Sudden Increases in Electromagnetic Activity on Deviations in Random Electron Tunnelling Behaviour Associated with Cognitive Intention by Persinger et. al.

Reliable evidence from the Jahn-Dunne studies conducted over several decades indicated that human proximity can affect the dynamics of certain processes that strongly depend upon “random” processes. Random Event Generators (REG) operate through “random” electron tunneling through spaces that are within the same order of magnitude as synapses. If the mechanisms by which these human-machine interactions occur involve electromagnetic processes, then application of specific temporally patterned magnetic fields to the human volume should affect the strength of the deviation from “random” variations. Whole-body exposure to ~400 nT, complex-patterned magnetic fields based upon 3 ms point durations reversed the effects of normal “intention” upon the operation of REGs. The energies generated within the cerebral volume by that field if emitted as irradiative power were within the range of the mass equivalent of an electron at the level of p-n junction of the semiconductor. These results support the hypothesis that “intention” can be affected experimentally and the energies within the vicinity of the actual dynamic space (~1 µm2) of the p-n junction of the REG match the extended power of the magnetic energy contained within the cerebrum. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/353

Mind Over Matter: Investigation of Materialization of Intentions by Deshpande et al. al.

we present our investigation of materialization of intentions using the input-output data based Six Sigma methodology for problem solving. The investigation is inspired by our respective Gurus, the wisdom of present and past seers, and the works of several scientists. We present two examples of materialization of intentions (change of pH and levitation). The pH example is preliminary requiring additional experimentation. We believe that the evidence presented is very supportive of the hypothesis of materialization of intentions. We hope this paper will contribute towards the unfolding of a Copernican-like revolution which will have profound positive impact on humanity. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/354

My Encounter with God Part X


As the proof/evidence that I have given in my book failed to convince the reviewer and a big portion of the readers who read that review about the existence of God, so I went on searching for other proof/evidence.

Meanwhile I came across an article in the internet written by scientist Dr. Lee Smolin. In this article Mr. Smolin mentioned another article of another author in which this author has shown that if the universe is treated as one whole unit, then the universe can be said to be spaceless and timeless. We define the universe in this way: universe is that which contains everything that is there, and so by definition there cannot be anything outside the universe, because whatever will be there will be within the universe. Thus there cannot be any space or any time outside the universe, and so universe as a whole is spaceless and timeless. From here for the first time I got the idea of The Whole. The Whole is that which contains everything that is there, and so there cannot be anything outside The Whole. Thus The Whole will always be spaceless and timeless by default. This idea of The Whole helped me a lot towards fulfilling the dream of my life, that is, towards proving the existence of God. Actually without this idea of The Whole it would never have been possible for me to give any proof for the existence of God. Now it is time that I should show how the idea of The Whole ultimately helped me prove the existence of God.

We have already seen that The Whole is spaceless and timeless by default, causelessly. Here we need not have to ask the question as to how it is spaceless and timeless; or, what is the reason that it is spaceless and timeless. If there is any reason at all, then the reason is within The Whole itself, because by definition The Whole is that outside which there cannot be anything. If there is anything outside The Whole, then it is no longer The Whole, because in that case there will be something outside it. So it is only The Whole that can be spaceless and timeless causelessly, by default. Nothing else other that The Whole can be spaceless and timeless by default. Now in case of light also we find that light is spaceless and timeless, because for some unknown reason space and time become non-existent for it. But like everything else in this universe light is also within space and time, and it cannot be said that it is outside space and time. So there is no apparent reason as to why space and time would have to be non-existent for light. Still we find that they are non-existent. So what is the cause that makes space and time non-existent for light? Let us suppose that something within space and time (A) causes space and time becoming non-existent for light. About A we can ask two questions:
1) Are space and time non-existent for A also?
2) Or, are they not non-existent for A?
If 2), then how can A cause space and time becoming non-existent for light when they are not non-existent for A itself? But if 1), then we will have to ask the same question about A that we were earlier asking about light: what causes space and time becoming non-existent for A, when we know very well that A lies within space and time, and that it has in no way been deprived of them? So we see that A cannot be the ultimate cause that makes space and time non-existent for light, because here we will have to find out again the cause that makes space and time non-existent for A for the first time. In this way it can be shown that there will be an infinite regress, and that there is nothing within space and time that can be this cause. So ultimately we will have to go beyond space and time in search of this cause. If there be anything that is not within any space and time (The Whole is not within any space and time), then space and time will be non-existent for it simply by default, and here we need not have to ask this question any more: what causes space and time becoming non-existent for it? It will be spaceless and timeless causelessly, by default, and there will be no infinite regress at all if we suppose that it is the cause that makes space and time non-existent for light. But if it does not have consciousness, then how can it give its own attributes of spacelessness and timelessness to light so that space and time can become non-existent for light also? So it will have to have consciousness so that it can bestow its own attributes on light. Thus the fact that space and time become non-existent for light compels us to posit the existence of a conscious being behind the universe. This conscious being we call God.

Now if the scientists can give any other alternative explanation for the fact that space and time become non-existent for light without positing any kind of God, then they are most welcome to give it. But if they fail to give any satisfactory explanation here, then let them be honest enough to admit the existence of a conscious being who we call God.

Creator, Conscious Cosmos & Our Brain


Creator, Conscious Cosmos & Our Brain

Creator & Creation by Steven E. Kaufman

There is the reality of experience and there is the Reality of the Beingness that, through relation to Itself, creates what it then apprehends as experience. Beingness is what actually Exists; experience is what only seems to exist. Beingness is the Creator; experience is the creation. Beingness is the actual Reality; experience is the virtual reality. As Beingness we are like painters, and what we are painting is what we experience, and we can draw our paint from either the palette of allowing or resistance, and so paint either experiential wantedness or unwantedness, respectively. However, there are two ways to paint what we create as experience; from the ground up, by consciously choosing from which palette we draw and so consciously choosing what we create as experience; or from the top down, by unconsciously choosing from which palette we draw as a reaction to what we have already painted, thereby unconsciously choosing what we create as experience. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/301

Deus ex Machina & the Conscious Cosmos by Chris King

It is proposed in this article that the ultimate answer to the “deus ex machina” paradox is neither invoking God in the machine nor humanity as a molecular automaton, but consciousness as a space-time spanning property of the cosmos. This implies that we are playing a pivotal and in its essence a cosmological role through our subjective consciousness in bringing about a cognizant universe aware of its own existence and imbued with a sense of purpose expressed in and through our free-will and sense of compassion for the unfolding nature of conscious existence amid the mortal toil of biological sexuality. In discovering this change of perspective lies our redemption through taking full responsibility for our actions participating in a deepening understanding of this extraordinary universe, in which we as sentient beings are the conscious progenitors of its becoming. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/302

On the Quantum Aspects of Brain-Mind Problem by Iona Miller

The brain-mind problem is also known as the mind-body problem and by extension mind-matter. How the mind relates to the brain has classically been discussed in terms of monism and dualism - that the mind and brain are one or that the mind and brain are separate. It has long been suggested that the brain functions as a sort of transducer from the universal to the particular. Quantum and sub-quantal phenomena may play an important part in the brain's transducer function. Further, our physical theories and narratives, rooted in philosophical notions about the interface of psyche and matter, also serve a symbolic function. If the unconscious is a magical powerhouse that speaks in symbols, our notion of the unconscious is also a symbol of the power of the primal field. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/303

Modern Physics & Non-dual Metaphysics: The One-World-Per-Observer Paradigm


Modern Physics & Non-dual Metaphysics: The One-World-Per-Observer Paradigm

The Principle of Equivalence Really Is Fundamental by James Kowall

The principle of equivalence is the only logical starting point if we want to correlate modern science with spirituality. The equivalence principle specifically refers to a frame of reference, or a coordinate system attached to an observer. Mach's principle tells us that all observations occur in an observer's frame of reference. There is democracy in the relativity of all possible observers, but there is also the freedom of any observer to enter into any possible frame of reference. This freedom is essential to how we understand the nature of observations in quantum theory. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/307

Non-commutative Geometry & the Holographic Principle by James Kowall

Non-commutative geometries represent position coordinates on a bounding surface of space in terms of non-commuting variables, thereby unifying relativity theory with quantum theory in a natural way. This procedure mathematically formalizes the smallest possible distance scale, called the Planck length, and gives a fundamental explanation for how any possible space-time geometry is quantized. The bounding surface of space is an event horizon that naturally arises as an observer enters into an accelerated frame of reference. The holographic principle is a natural consequence of non-commutative geometries since quantized bits of information are encoded on a bounding surface of space in a pixelated way. The natural pixel size is about a Planck area. This holographic formulation describes whatever appears to happen in the three dimensional space bounded by a two dimensional bounding surface of space. Holography is deeply ingrained in the geometrical nature of relativity theory and the wave-interference nature of quantum theory. No overarching theory is necessary to understand this connection between non-commutative geometries and the holographic principle. An argument is made that an overarching theory is not even possible since such a theory constrains the observer's frame of reference. The principle of equivalence gives the observer the freedom to enter into any possible frame of reference. In a freely falling frame of reference the bounding surface of space disappears. This mechanism, called horizon complementarity, fundamentally connects holography to non-dual metaphysics. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/308

The One-World-Per-Observer Paradigm of Modern Cosmology by James Kowall

Recent discoveries in cosmology have resulted in a remarkable paradigm shift. This paradigm shift is based on measurements of the cosmological constant, the exponential expansion of space, and a cosmic horizon. The cosmic horizon is a bounding surface of space that surrounds the observer at the central point of view. Interpreted in the context of the holographic principle and horizon complementarity, these discoveries lead to the one-world-per-observer paradigm. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/309

The Vicious Cycle of Self-Identification by James Kowall

The nature of self-identification is discussed in the context of a quantum state of potentiality and the role of the observer. A critical distinction is drawn between the normal flow of energy in the observer's world and the effects of biased choice. This naturally leads to a discussion of the effects the focus of attention of consciousness can have on physical reality and the life force. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/310

The Container of Consciousness by James Kowall

Three concepts help us understand the nature of the world: the container of consciousness, the content of consciousness, and the observer of that content. The only way to understand the nature of the container is as an empty space of potentiality, which traditionally is called the void. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/311

Who Am I? by James Kowall

In the ultimate state of reunion with the Absolute, there is no individual being, only the One undivided Being of the Absolute. Ultimately, I am not. Ultimately, only the Absolute is. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/312

Effect of Emotion on REG, God Helmet Study, Roots of Consciousness & Sickness


Effect of Emotion on REG, God Helmet Study, Roots of Consciousness & Sickness

The Potential Effects of Human Group Emotion and Subjective Novelty on the Statistical Behaviour of a Random Event Generator: Exploratory Study by Joey M. Caswell et. al.

Many traditional beliefs regard “human energy” as an integral component in human health and positive life experience. A number of areas in the realm of complementary and alternative medicine, as well as consciousness research in general, have explored the potential for these subtle energies in a myriad of experiments and applications. The FieldREG experiments previously conducted by a number of researchers have demonstrated an apparent effect of novel or emotional group activities on the statistical deviations of a proximal Random Event Generator device. In the present study, further exploration of this phenomenon was employed in both novel and relatively mundane group settings. Furthermore, a directional hypothesis was pursued whereby positive emotional experiences were expected to produce upward (positive) trends in the random data, while negative emotional settings would produce downward (negative) deviations. Finally, an overall comparison between random data from positive and negative settings was investigated. Results tended to support current theories that emotional or novel group experiences appear to influence the statistical performance of a random physical device, and that the emotional valence may further affect the overall direction of the random data obtained. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/359

Yogic Perspective on Health, Six Sigma Assessment & Quantum Physics Approach by Pradeep B. Deshpande & James Kowall

Yogic perspective on health, quantum physics perspectives on why we get sick and how we could get better are presented. Experimental evidence corroborating the yogic perspective is offered. The need for six sigma in the assessment of the yogic perspective is outlined. The ideas supplement and complement traditional medical approaches to illnesses and should be useful in the light of the ever-increasing healthcare costs, now $2.7 trillion per year and rising. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/360

Magnetic Stimulation of the Temporal Cortex: A Partial “God Helmet” Replication Study by Carlos A. Tinoca, João P.L. Ortiz

The effects of magnetic stimulation of the brain in comparison with suggestibility and expectation are studied. Eight magnetic coils were embedded in a helmet, placing four over the temporal lobes on each side of the head. These produced 0.0001 Tesla (10 mG) magnetic fields (MF). “Spiritual experiences” were reported by some of the 20 volunteers who received magnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes. These “spiritual experiences” included sensing the presence of “spiritual beings.” Stimulation durations and field strengths were within the limits used by Dr. M. A. Persinger in similar (“God Helmet”) experiments (20 minutes, 10 mG). Questionnaires were applied before, during, and after the experimental sessions. Analysis of the subjects’ verbal reports, using Whissel’s Dictionary of Affect in Language, revealed significant differences between subjects and controls, as well as less robust effects for suggestion and expectation. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/361

Beingness & Experience by Steven E. Kaufman

There is the reality of experience and there is the Reality of the Beingness that, through relation to Itself, creates what it then apprehends as experience. Beingness is what actually Exists; experience is what only seems to exist. Beingness is the Creator; experience is the creation. Beingness is the actual Reality; experience is the virtual reality. As Beingness we are like painters, and what we are painting is what we experience, and we can draw our paint from either the palette of allowing or resistance, and so paint either experiential wantedness or unwantedness, respectively. However, there are two ways to paint what we create as experience; from the ground up, by consciously choosing from which palette we draw and so consciously choosing what we create as experience; or from the top down, by unconsciously choosing from which palette we draw as a reaction to what we have already painted, thereby unconsciously choosing what we create as experience. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/362

The Roots of Our Transformative Consciousness by Chris King

It is proposed in this article that the ultimate answer to the “deus ex machina” paradox is neither invoking God in the machine nor humanity as a molecular automaton, but consciousness as a space-time spanning property of the cosmos. This implies that we are playing a pivotal and in its essence a cosmological role through our subjective consciousness in bringing about a cognizant universe aware of its own existence and imbued with a sense of purpose expressed in and through our free-will and sense of compassion for the unfolding nature of conscious existence amid the mortal toil of biological sexuality. In discovering this change of perspective lies our redemption through taking full responsibility for our actions participating in a deepening understanding of this extraordinary universe, in which we as sentient beings are the conscious progenitors of its becoming. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/363

Sub-quantum Phenomena & Brain-Mind Problem by Iona Miller

The brain-mind problem is also known as the mind-body problem and by extension mind-matter. How the mind relates to the brain has classically been discussed in terms of monism and dualism - that the mind and brain are one or that the mind and brain are separate. It has long been suggested that the brain functions as a sort of transducer from the universal to the particular. Quantum and sub-quantal phenomena may play an important part in the brain's transducer function. Further, our physical theories and narratives, rooted in philosophical notions about the interface of psyche and matter, also serve a symbolic function. If the unconscious is a magical powerhouse that speaks in symbols, our notion of the unconscious is also a symbol of the power of the primal field. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/364

Materialization of DNA Fragment and, Wave Genetics in Theory & Practice


Materialization of DNA Fragment and, Wave Genetics in Theory & Practice

Materialization of DNA Fragment in Water through Modulated Electromagnetic Irradiation by Peter P. Gariaev, et. al.

We present a preliminary report on the materialization of DNA fragment in pure water in the presence of its phantom delivered by modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic irradiation. A full article with details will be presented later. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/67

Possible Quantum Entanglement in Medical Influence by B. S. Usupbekova, R. A. Mansurova, Peter P. Gariaev

In this paper we reports our results on the effect of the audio version of the modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic radiation (mShEI) containing information of medicinal plants and minerals. We observed positive effect on recovery and body functions in a group of patients. According to the results of pulse diagnosis (PD) and electroacupuncture diagnostics (EPD), there is increased functional activity of all acupuncture channels. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/68

Pollack's Findings about Fourth Phase of Water: TGD Point of View by Matti Pitkanen

The discovery of negatively charged exclusion zone formed in water bounded by gel phase has led Pollack to propose the notion of gel like fourth phase of water. In this article this notion is discussed in TGD framework. The proposal is that the fourth phase corresponds to negatively charged regions - exclusion zones - with size up to 100-200 microns generated when energy is fed into the water - say as radiation, in particular solar radiation. The stoichiometry of the exclusion zone is H1.5O and can be understood if every fourth proton is dark proton residing at the flux tubes of the magnetic body assignable to the exclusion zone and outside it. This leads to a model for prebiotic cell as exclusion zone. Dark protons are proposed to form dark nuclei whose states can be grouped to groups corresponding to DNA, RNA, amino-acids, and tRNA and for which vertebrate genetic code is realized in a natural manner. The voltage associated with the system defines the analog of membrane potential, and serves as a source of metabolic energy as in the case of ordinary metabolism. The energy is liberated in a reverse phase transition in which dark protons transform to ordinary ones. Dark proton strings serve as analogs of basic biopolymers and one can imagine analog of bio-catalysis with enzymes replaced with their dark analogs. The recent discovery that metabolic cycles emerge spontaneously in the absence of cell supports this view. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/72

Morphogenesis, Morphostasis & Learning in TGD Framework by Matti Pitkanen

of the organism is generated and how it is preserved. The standard local approach based on belief on genetic determinism does not allow one to answer these questions satisfactorily. The first approach to this problem relies on a self-organization paradigm in which the local dynamics of cells leads to large scale structures as self-organization patterns. Second approach could be seen as computational. The basic idea is that the process is guided by a template of the target state and morphogenesis and healing are computational processes. What Levin calls morphogenetic fields would define this template. It is known that organisms display a kind of coordinate grid providing positional information that allows cells to "decide" about the profile of genetic expression. The assumption about final goal defining a template can be argued to be too strong: much weaker principle defining a local direction of dynamics and leading automatically to the final state as something analogous to free energy minimum in thermodynamics might be enough. TGD thus suggests an approach, which could be seen as a hybrid of approaches based on self-organization and computationalism. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/73

The Essence of Linguistic & Wave Genetics in Theory and Practice by Peter P. Gariaev

A new branch of biology and medicine, linguistics-wave-enetics, is proposed. This new branch will be based on the understanding of the genetic apparatus as Quantum Biocomputer (QB) with the characteristic elements of consciousness and thought. The main principles of QB are based on holographic and quantum non-locality. The pilot model of the artificial world is created with laser-based technologies. QB will be capable of the following functions of bio-computation: a) reading wave of genetic information from chromosomes and cell tissue; b) scanning for converting (recording information) laser photons modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic radiation (mShEI) keeping received primary photon of genetic information; c) wave broadcasting genetic information at macro distances; d) the introduction of genetic information in mShEI form the body of the recipient in its intracellular water; and e) programmable managment and corrections of metabolism, physiology of the recipient, such as a patient or the old man. This new branch is theoretically substantiated and experimentally demonstrated in our research. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/69

The Strange World of Wave Genetics by Peter P. Gariaev, E. A. Leonova

All biochemical and genetic processes have electromagnetic and audio components. These wave attributes of metabolism and genetic processes can be controlled by the metabolism and thus biosystems. This understanding allows us to remove the accumulated numerous difficulties and contradictions of the old model of the genetic code, which is not to be denied, but incoprated as a part of a whole within the concepts of wave genetics [1-39]. Wave genetics originated in the last century in Russia is a promising breakthrough [1-39]. An initial theory of wave genetics was developed in [40]. As for the experimental evidence of the reality of the existence of wave genes in the form of actual text-like structures and mobile holographic constructions chromosome continuum, there have been several breakthroughs. Increasing evidence support the hypothesis that DNA is a text, not in the metaphorical sense but in the real sense. See http://dnadecipher.com/index.php/ddj/article/view/71

Powers of Meditation & Compassion: How to Transform Ourselves & Our World


Powers of Meditation & Compassion: How to Transform Ourselves & Our World

Power of Meditation: Materialization of Energy/Intentions by Pradeep B. Deshpande, Mahendra Sunkara, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni

Different tiny particles of stable matter, one of which we have identified as pure gold, have been found at several meditation sites where a yoga Guru and his followers were meditating. Among the alternative explanations for the appearance of these particles are: (1) When a meditator who has achieved a high level of consciousness delves deep into meditation, the energy drawn from the five elements or forces of nature is created part of which condenses in the form of tiny particles. In this instance there is no deliberate intention to materialize the particles, (2) In the case of followers the phenomena of synchronization/stochastic resonance may explain the appearance of these particles since they are part of the same network of the yoga Guru. However, the followers being at varying but lower levels of consciousness, their biological/physiological systems are unable to harness the much higher energy of the yoga Guru rejecting the excess energy which results in the materialization of different types of particles. It is also possible that in the case of the followers this is an instance of materialization of intention since the news of these particles first appearing around the yoga Guru would have traveled to the deep recesses of the followers’ consciousness. Further studies under controlled conditions are needed to confirm the observations. The work points to the intriguing possibility of meditation at the disposal of outstanding scientists leading to breakthrough solutions to significant human challenges such as renewable energy, desalination of sea water, etc. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/313

My Encounter with God: Conclusion


My Encounter with God: Conclusion

In Part X we have seen that the fact that space and time become non-existent for light compels us to posit the existence of God. Here I want to discuss some more points that have come to my mind.

First of all I want to discuss as to whether it was in any way necessary to introduce the concept of The Whole at any place at all. This is because in Part X we have already seen that if the universe is treated as one whole unit, then it can be said to be spaceless and timeless. So with this concept of the universe being spaceless and timeless as a whole it could easily be shown that the universe must have to have consciousness in order that it could bestow its own properties of spacelessness and timelessness to light also. So why have I introduced the concept of The Whole? Was it absolutely necessary? Yes, it was necessary. This is because the idea of the universe being spaceless and timeless as a whole can be challenged at any time, and it has actually been challenged in the multiverse theory. If multiverse theory is true, then it will not be correct to say that there is nothing outside our universe, because in that case there will probably be an infinite number of other universes outside our universe, and so our universe can no longer be said to be spaceless and timeless. Universe no longer being spaceless and timeless, how could it be shown that light could receive its own properties of spacelessness and timelessness from the universe only? And so, how could it be shown that the universe must have to have consciousness also? So, in order to prove the existence of God, I would have to bear the extra burden of proving the falsity of multiverse theory first, and then only I could have proceeded further, whereas with the concept of The Whole, the task of proving the existence of God becomes nothing but a child’s play. This is because the definition of The Whole is such that no one in this universe, and if multiverse theory is true, then even no one in the entire multiverse can ever be able to challenge this definition of The Whole. By its very definition The Whole will always be spaceless and timeless, because by its very definition there can never be anything outside The Whole. The difference between the universe and The Whole is this: the universe will always remain the universe whether there is anything outside it or not, whereas The Whole will no longer remain The Whole if there is anything outside it. Thus the very definition of The Whole entails that it will always have to be spaceless and timeless, and we can say that it will be so uncaused, because its cause will lie within its definition itself. If we now find that light is also spaceless and timeless, we cannot claim that it is so causelessly, because about light we cannot claim that it is The Whole. This is because it is only one element amongst many other elements of this universe. So, if light is spaceless and timeless, then this must have been caused by something else, and this something else can only be The Whole if we want to stop an infinite regress here. The Whole must have to have consciousness also, as I have already explained earlier. Thus it can be seen that the introduction of the concept of The Whole was absolutely necessary here for proving the existence of God.

The next point I want to discuss is: whether there can be some other proofs of God other than the phenomenon of light. Yes, potentially there can be other proofs also. Let us take one concrete example: the emergence of life from non-life. There is a famous saying of Richard Feynman: what I cannot create, I do not understand. In this particular context this saying will mean that biologists have not yet fully understood the whole process of life emerging from non-life in its every detail. If they had, then they would have already created life from non-life, and would have shown to the whole world that there is no mystery anywhere. Let us now suppose that even after several decades of sincere efforts of many scientists all over the world, this picture remains the same; phenomenon of life emerging from non-life remains a mystery, an enigma to mankind. Will that prove that there is a God? Will that prove that there is the hand of God behind the appearance of life on earth? Yes, we can always presume that, but we cannot be absolutely certain here, because it might also be the case that some higher intelligence is actually responsible for creating life on earth. This higher intelligence may be God, or may not be. We do not know. But in case of light we can with absolute certainty say that it is from God only, and not from anyone else, light can receive its own properties of spacelessness and timelessness, because God is The Whole. God is The Whole because we usually say about God that initially there was only God, and that there was nothing else other than God. This equates God with The Whole, because the same thing can be repeated about The Whole also: only The Whole can be there, and there can be nothing else other than The Whole. God being The Whole it becomes crystal clear that the phenomenon of light is the only phenomenon of nature that can show with absolute certainty that there is a God.

Here ends my story.

Field-REG, Premonition Monitoring, Alternating Consciousness & New Perspectives on Mind-Brain


Field-REG, Premonition Monitoring, Alternating Consciousness & New Perspectives on Mind-Brain

The Potential Effects of Human Group Emotion and Subjective Novelty on the Statistical Behaviour of a Random Event Generator: Exploratory Study by Joey M. Caswell et. al.

A series of preliminary field experiments investigating the phenomenon of consciousness-correlated effects on Random Event Generator (REG) devices was recently conducted by our group, which revealed interesting effects on these random physical systems associated with subjectively emotional events occurring in the immediate environment. We have since explored a range of novel settings in the context of this apparent “FieldREG” effect. This has included a number of specific environments which expand upon the previous literature in this area by investigating additional phenomena typically associated with classic parapsychology. While the results obtained for these particular experiments supported our initial hypotheses in general, the re-examination of a religious setting proved particularly inconsistent, while still presenting some intriguing overall results. Exploratory theoretical considerations are suggested for future research. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/371

Premonitions: A Global Online Statistical Tracking Study of Precognitive Predictions by J. Miguel Gaona et. al.

A number of interesting and testable theories of precognitive information transfer have been posited, and focus on the potential role of both ultraweak photon emissions and the geomagnetic field. While many experiments examining this anomalous phenomenon have been previously conducted, a precognitive study of a magnitude similar to the Premonitions project (ThePremonitions.com) has not yet been undertaken to our knowledge. By using an internet-based study to statistically examine this intriguing occurrence, the main objective of Premonitions is to acquire data from a large population of participants from across the globe. Furthermore, if some individuals are truly capable of receiving or accessing this apparently non-local information for accurate prediction of future events, a significant increase in the available sample size should increase the “signal resolution” for the detection of global non-local information. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/370

Dialogue on Alternating Consciousness: From Perception to Infinities and Back to Free Will by Claus Janew

Can we lead back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will on a single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both? This metaphysical dialogue founds consciousness and freedom of choice on the basis of a new reality concept that also includes the infinite as far as we understand it. Just the simplest distinction contains consciousness. It is not static, but a constant alternation of perspectives. From its entirety and movement, however, there arises a freedom of choice being more than reinterpreted necessity and unpredictability. Although decisions ultimately involve the whole universe, they are free in varying degrees also here and now. The unity and openness of the infinite enables the individual a creativity that directly and indirectly enters into all other individuals without impeding them. A contrary impression originates only in a narrowed awareness. But even the most conscious and free awareness can neither anticipate all decisions nor extinguish individuality. Their creativity is secured. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/372

The Physicist's Dilemma: Ultimate Reality – The Non-Physical Nature of Consciousness by James Kowall

A physical argument is made for the non-physical nature of consciousness. It is argued the source of consciousness is the ultimate nature of reality. This source cannot be found in the physical world, but in what remains when everything in the physical world disappears. Traditionally, this ultimate reality is called the void. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/374

An Integral World Perspective by Kenneth K. Chao

The question regarding possible existence of past and future lives is addressed in this article, which leads to the intimate connection between Physical World and Consciousness World as two sides of one coin. The examination of genuine unconsciousness reveals the dynamic and fundamental nature of consciousness with a proposed axiom: genuine unconsciousness is identical to nothingness both physically and psychologically. Because over 95% of our universe is composed of indirectly detectable “dark” material, it is quite possible that conscious live forms beyond our current observation limit can exist. A hierarchy structure of consciousness, awareness and certainty, together with the spacetime concept are used to explain the phenomena of particle entanglement and double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/369

Window to the Past: The Role of Quantum Entanglement in Memory by Gary Gillespie

This paper suggests that the static nature of time-space, a discovery in physics, implies that quantum communication plays a role in memory. The illusion of the flow of time and the nature of quantum entanglement are discussed. Arguments are given for a non-reductionist alternative to the standard model of cognition in which memory is stored in time-space. In this view the neural machinery of the brain receives and interprets information states embedded in time-space. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/365

Nature of Reality: Observer, Consciousness & Fundamental Physics


Nature of Reality: Observer, Consciousness & Fundamental Physics

The Nature of Quantum Reality: Physical Reality as a Creation of Consciousness (Part I) by Steven E. Kaufman

What quantum theory has revealed about the nature of reality has remained hidden in plain sight for almost one-hundred years because what quantum theory has revealed about the nature of reality cannot be comprehended in the context of the materialist model and conception of reality in which science presently operates, which materialist model places physical reality at the center of reality and Consciousness at the periphery, as a secondary or derivative reality. What this work will demonstrate, by explaining the heretofore inexplicable basis of the phenomena that lie at the heart of quantum theory, is that it is Consciousness rather than physical reality that lies at the center of reality, and that it is physical reality rather than Consciousness that is a secondary or derivative reality. Specifically, wave-particle duality, quantum uncertainty, quantum non-locality, the probabilistic nature of the wavefunction, and the collapse of the wavefunction, will all be shown to be phenomena that have as their basis the way in which the fundamental Reality of Consciousness, through relation to Itself, creates what it apprehends as physical reality. Part I of this series of three articles includes: Background; Introduction; and 1. Building a new model of reality. See http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/636

The Physicist's Dilemma: Ultimate Nature of Reality by James Kowall

In this article it is argued that the source of the observer's consciousness is not something that can be found in the physical reality of the observer's world, but only in the underlying reality that remains when everything in that physical reality disappears. That ultimate, underlying reality is the source of the observer's consciousness, but it can only be described as the void. See http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/632

Mesostratum: A Signal Transmission Modality by Alex Vary

A conceptual framework is described to illustrate the transcendent nature of the observer’s consciousness and its relation to the physical world. The proposed framework is based on deductions and information revealed primarily by waveform phenomena which are demonstrably transcendent. An essential feature of the framework is the mesostratum; a signal transmission modality. This paper suggests ways to access and explore the mesostratum. See http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/634

Effect of Yoga, Field-REG, Paranthropology, Quasicrystal Connection & Mesostratum


Effect of Yoga, Field-REG, Paranthropology, Quasicrystal Connection & Mesostratum

Effect of Yoga & Meditation on Consciousness & Mindfulness by Sona Ahuja

The effect of yoga and meditation on consciousness and mindfulness were examined comparing beginners, intermediate, advanced meditators and a group of non-meditators. The three experimental groups improved from pre-test to post-test compared to control group, highlighting the benefits of yoga and meditation on consciousness and mindfulness. Consciousness of advanced meditators was highest in comparison to other groups at pre-test. Consciousness and mindfulness of beginners increased at a faster rate over time. Further, the effect of intervention was examined on physical, emotional, cognitive, social, spiritual and self-consciousness. There was significant increase in social and self-consciousness after 11 weeks of intervention whereas physical and emotional consciousness increased significantly post intervention which was for 20 weeks. Although there was increase in cognitive and spiritual consciousness but it was not significant. A longer duration of practice may prove helpful for betterment of these faculties. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/377

Transnational Exploratory FieldREG Investigation III: Statistical Anomalies in a Random Physical System Proximal to Large-Scale Animal Mortality by J. Miguel Gaona, Joey M. Caswell, Lucas W.E. Tessaro, Nicolas Rouleau

A recent series of investigations involving the apparent FieldREG phenomenon have been explored in order to examine potential effects of human emotion, subjective novelty, and a number of anomalous activities on the statistical output of an external random event generator device, with some intriguing results revealed. However, studies in this specific area focusing on animal subjects have yet to be undertaken. Therefore, our objective with the current research protocol was to examine potential FieldREG effects that might be associated with stressed animals located in immediate proximity to the experimental apparatus which produced the random number variations we measured. Specifically, large-scale animal mortality within a slaughterhouse factory was examined for potential influence on the output of a random event generator. A number of intriguing effects were observed, and further theoretical interpretations are explored. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/379

Phenomenological Convergence between Major Paradigms of Classic Parapsychology and Cross-Cultural Practices: An Exploration of Paranthropology by Joey M Caswell, Jack Hunter, Lucas W.E. Tessaro

A new generation of researchers have begun to contribute to the emerging transdisciplinary endeavours of paranthropology. This intriguing area of research unifies methodologies and theoretical perspectives of both parapsychology and anthropology to enhance understanding of anomalous phenomena related to consciousness. Furthermore, by employing a paranthropological perspective, a number of cross-cultural convergences between disciplines are revealed. We begin by summarizing a number of major paradigms typically observed in classic parapsychology, followed by a brief historical overview of the development of paranthropology and its implications for subsequent research. Finally, phenomenological convergences between parapsychology and anthropology are discussed, before a final summary of general conclusions are entertained. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/378

A New Approach to the Hard Problem of Consciousness: A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime (Part I) by Klee Irwin

The hard problem of consciousness must be approached through the ontological lens of 20th century physics, which tells us that reality is information theoretic [1,2] and quantized at the level of Planck scale spacetime[3]. Through careful deduction, it becomes clear that information cannot exist without consciousness – the awareness of things. And to be aware is to hold the meaning of relationships of objects within consciousness – perceiving abstract objects, while enjoying degrees of freedom within the structuring of those relationships. This defines consciousness as language – (1) a set of objects and (2) an ordering scheme with (3) degrees of freedom used for (4) expressing meaning. And since even information at the Planck scale cannot exist without consciousness, we propose an entity called a “primitive unit of consciousness”, which acts as a mathematical operator in a quantized spacetime language. Quasicrystal mathematics based on E8 geometry [4] seems to be a candidate for the language of reality, possessing several qualities corresponding to recent physical discoveries and various physically realistic unification models. Part I of this two-part article includes: Introduction; 1. What Does Scientific Observation Tell Us about the Nature of Reality? and first portion of 2. The Quantum Gravity Research Group Approach. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/380

A New Approach to the Hard Problem of Consciousness: A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime (Part II) by Klee Irwin

The hard problem of consciousness must be approached through the ontological lens of 20th century physics, which tells us that reality is information theoretic [1,2] and quantized at the level of Planck scale spacetime[3]. Through careful deduction, it becomes clear that information cannot exist without consciousness – the awareness of things. And to be aware is to hold the meaning of relationships of objects within consciousness – perceiving abstract objects, while enjoying degrees of freedom within the structuring of those relationships. This defines consciousness as language – (1) a set of objects and (2) an ordering scheme with (3) degrees of freedom used for (4) expressing meaning. And since even information at the Planck scale cannot exist without consciousness, we propose an entity called a “primitive unit of consciousness”, which acts as a mathematical operator in a quantized spacetime language. Quasicrystal mathematics based on E8 geometry [4] seems to be a candidate for the language of reality, possessing several qualities corresponding to recent physical discoveries and various physically realistic unification models. Part II of this two-part article includes: second portion of 2. The Quantum Gravity Research Group Approach; and References. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/381

Infinite Oneness & Nothingness as the Source of Consciousness by James Kowall

A straightforward logical argument is made supporting the concept that ultimate reality is not only the source of everything in the world; not only the source of the world itself; but also the source of the consciousness that perceives the world. This argument is correlated with recent developments in theoretical physics and cosmology. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/382

Transcendent Nature of Human Consciousness (Part I) by Alex Vary

The usual question put is, “How does the brain generate consciousness?” It is proposed that a more potent and interesting question is, “How does consciousness generate the brain?” This question presumes that consciousness preexists and transcends its earthly material embodiment - that human consciousness is global, extending beyond the neural boundaries of the brain, beyond self-awareness, beyond sentience. To propose and argue the transcendent nature of consciousness, one might boldly assume that it transcends everything material - that consciousness transcends every aspect of the material world, indeed the observable cosmos. This paper explores the ultimate nature of consciousness and suggests that human consciousness transcends its physical embodiment while interlinking quantum phenomena in neurons with a universe of pure thought. We experience it in the space‑time milieu of the physical world, which provides a physiological vehicle for consciousness to put things into spatiotemporal order - to satisfy an innate intellectual urge to bring order out of chaos. At the quantum mechanical scale of human consciousness, this remarkable and enigmatic phenomenon may be explained by several quantum consciousness theories. Apparently, our transcendent consciousness consists of waves of signals that activate neural networks which orchestrate the signals into thoughts and actions. On the grand scale, it may be argued that a transcendent omnipresent consciousness is an extra-ingredient: one that preexists, specifies, and evolves tangible instrumentalities: mind/brain neural networks as its living vehicles. A conceptual framework is described to illustrate the transcendent nature of consciousness and its relation to the physical world. The proposed framework is based on deductions and information revealed primarily by waveform phenomena which are demonstrably transcendent. An essential feature of the framework is the mesostratum; a signal transmission modality. This paper suggests ways to access and explore the mesostratum and suggests necessarily nonreductionist approaches for the study and exploration of human consciousness. Part I of this two-part article includes: Introduction; Primordial Consciousness; Penrose and Platonic Reality; and Mesostratum Reality. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/383

Transcendent Nature of Human Consciousness (Part II) by Alex Vary

The usual question put is, “How does the brain generate consciousness?” It is proposed that a more potent and interesting question is, “How does consciousness generate the brain?” This question presumes that consciousness preexists and transcends its earthly material embodiment - that human consciousness is global, extending beyond the neural boundaries of the brain, beyond self-awareness, beyond sentience. To propose and argue the transcendent nature of consciousness, one might boldly assume that it transcends everything material - that consciousness transcends every aspect of the material world, indeed the observable cosmos. This paper explores the ultimate nature of consciousness and suggests that human consciousness transcends its physical embodiment while interlinking quantum phenomena in neurons with a universe of pure thought. We experience it in the space‑time milieu of the physical world, which provides a physiological vehicle for consciousness to put things into spatiotemporal order - to satisfy an innate intellectual urge to bring order out of chaos. At the quantum mechanical scale of human consciousness, this remarkable and enigmatic phenomenon may be explained by several quantum consciousness theories. Apparently, our transcendent consciousness consists of waves of signals that activate neural networks which orchestrate the signals into thoughts and actions. On the grand scale, it may be argued that a transcendent omnipresent consciousness is an extra-ingredient: one that preexists, specifies, and evolves tangible instrumentalities: mind/brain neural networks as its living vehicles. A conceptual framework is described to illustrate the transcendent nature of consciousness and its relation to the physical world. The proposed framework is based on deductions and information revealed primarily by waveform phenomena which are demonstrably transcendent. An essential feature of the framework is the mesostratum; a signal transmission modality. This paper suggests ways to access and explore the mesostratum and suggests necessarily nonreductionist approaches for the study and exploration of human consciousness. Part II of this two-art article includes: Consciousness and Entelechy; Mesostratum Exploration; Consciousness Machinery; Conclusions; and References. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/384

Evolution & Modifications of the Mind by Alan J. Oliver

One life in different bodies would have a similar range of awareness in each body. As the need for different aspects of awareness became necessary for survival, some would be selected for that aspect through evolution with the necessary restructuring of the neural networks following. The mind is always vigilant, assessing every moment against the inputs present. We call that thought when the outcome or decision is made known through our awareness. More generally, we just say we are conscious. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/385

Quasicrystalline Language, Science-Spirituality, Mesostratum & God-Realization


Quasicrystalline Language, Science-Spirituality, Mesostratum & God-Realization

A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime by Klee Irwin

Through careful deduction, it becomes clear that information cannot exist without consciousness – the awareness of things. And to be aware is to hold the meaning of relationships of objects within consciousness – perceiving abstract objects, while enjoying degrees of freedom within the structuring of those relationships. This defines consciousness as language – (1) a set of objects and (2) an ordering scheme with (3) degrees of freedom used for (4) expressing meaning. And since even information at the Planck scale cannot exist without consciousness, we propose an entity called a “primitive unit of consciousness”, which acts as a mathematical operator in a quantized spacetime language. Quasicrystal mathematics based on E8 geometry seems to be a candidate for the language of reality, possessing several qualities corresponding to recent physical discoveries and various physically realistic unification models. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/321

Science & Spirituality by Steven E. Kaufman

The key to unlocking the door to the nature of Reality, i.e., the nature of What Is Actually There, including the realization of our own True Nature, lay in both science and spirituality. Science has discovered that to observe is to create the observation, at least at the quantum level, although the same is true of all perception and conception. This discovery has opened the door to a conceptual understanding of Consciousness as being What Is Actually There where experiential reality appears to be. However, it is spirituality that has to arise to bridge the chasm between the conceptual understanding of the world as composed of Consciousness and the direct realization of one's self as that Consciousness. Spirituality makes it clear that if one is to truly know What Is Actually There, which includes knowing one's own Nature as That, then one must move beyond concepts and into the Formlessness Itself, devoid of concepts. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/322

Ultimate Reality: The Non-Physical Source of Consciousness by James Kowall

A straightforward logical argument is made supporting the concept that ultimate reality is not only the source of everything in the world; not only the source of the world itself; but also the source of the consciousness that perceives the world. This argument is correlated with recent developments in theoretical physics and cosmology. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/325

Mesostratum & Human Consciousness by Alex Vary

A conceptual framework is described to illustrate the transcendent nature of consciousness and its relation to the physical world. To propose and argue the transcendent nature of consciousness, one might boldly assume that it transcends everything material - that consciousness transcends every aspect of the material world, indeed the observable cosmos. This paper explores the ultimate nature of consciousness and suggests that human consciousness transcends its physical embodiment while interlinking quantum phenomena in neurons with a universe of pure thought. We experience it in the space‑time milieu of the physical world, which provides a physiological vehicle for consciousness to put things into spatiotemporal order - to satisfy an innate intellectual urge to bring order out of chaos. At the quantum mechanical scale of human consciousness, this remarkable and enigmatic phenomenon may be explained by several quantum consciousness theories. Apparently, our transcendent consciousness consists of waves of signals that activate neural networks which orchestrate the signals into thoughts and actions. On the grand scale, it may be argued that a transcendent omnipresent consciousness is an extra-ingredient: one that preexists, specifies, and evolves tangible instrumentalities: mind/brain neural networks as its living vehicles. The proposed framework is based on deductions and information revealed primarily by waveform phenomena which are demonstrably transcendent. An essential feature of the framework is the mesostratum; a signal transmission modality. This paper suggests ways to access and explore the mesostratum and suggests necessarily nonreductionist approaches for the study and exploration of human consciousness. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/327

My Encounter with God Continued: God Is the Whole by Himangsu S. Pal

The fact that space and time become non-existent for light compels us to posit the existence of a conscious being behind the universe. This conscious being we call God. Further, if the universe is treated as one whole unit, then it can be said to be spaceless and timeless. With this concept of the universe being spaceless and timeless as a whole it could easily be shown that the universe must have to have consciousness in order that it could bestow its own properties of spacelessness and timelessness to light. God is the Whole. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/326

God & Form by Steven E. Kaufman

Consciousness-without-an-object is God. What you actually are is Consciousness-without-an-object. What everything actually Is is Consciousness-without-an-object. You are not the forms of experience that you have used to create your form or object-identity. You are That which apprehends the forms that make up your object-identity. You are That which creates the forms that make up your object-identity. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/323

Opposition to What Is by Steven E. Kaufman

Your Consciousness is the water of Is-ness within which the reflections of experience arise. When you do not swat at or cling to the reflections you create one type of experience. When you swat at or cling to the reflections you create the opposite type of experience. When one becomes involved in a relation of opposition to what Is, through opposition to the reflections that arise on the surface of what Is, what Is vanishes while still in plain sight as our Consciousness. And it is not until we cease our reflexive and conditioned opposition to what Is that our Consciousness can reappear to us as it actually Is, i.e., as the uncreated and eternal Is-ness within which the reflections of experience arise. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/324

God in Religion & Science: A Chemist's View by Shivender S. Saini

God has made the cosmos scientifically and systematically under certain protocol. Science is trying to understand that protocol. Science and Religion probes God differently. If God is water, three forms of water (solid, liquid & vapour) are three different manifestations of God and the different routes (cooling, melting & heating) are the different religions to God. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/328

Realizations on Consciousness & the Future of Consciousness Studies


Realizations on Consciousness & the Future of Consciousness Studies

A Vision for the Society for Consciousness Studies by Imants Baruss

This editorial is based on a presentation given by the author at the inaugural meeting of the Society for Consciousness Studies at The California Institute of Integral Studies on May 31, 2014. The author discusses the hegemony of materialism and some of the deleterious consequences of its entrenchment in the academy. In particular, research into the nature of consciousness is curtailed, those with demonstrated psychic abilities are oppressed, and little gets done to find effective interventions for resolving existential anxiety. The author’s vision for the Society for Consciousness Studies is that: (1) it is a society that values open inquiry into the nature of consciousness; (2) its members can regard themselves as leaders who are guiding the direction of consciousness studies; (3) practical projects can be undertaken to advance the open study of consciousness; (4) the society can cultivate support for the discussion of existential issues, self-transformation, and transcendent states of consciousness; and (5) the founding of the Society for Consciousness Studies can be a turning point in the history of the study of consciousness. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/388

The Nature of "Space" & the Source of Consciousness by James Kowall

A purely mathematical-physical argument is made proving the source of consciousness is an empty space of potentiality in the Hindu sense of Brahman: the "ultimate power underlying the universe; the ultimate impersonal reality underlying everything in the universe, from which everything comes and to which it returns". See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/389

Holographic Perspective of Health and Healing by Tamar Levin & Orit Tomer-Ish Yemini

This paper proposes a novel conceptualization of healing based on the properties of humans as holographic beings. This conceptualization describes the factors affecting the process of healing – energies initiated within the human being including mental, emotional, and spiritual energies as well as earthly and cosmic energies – and the mechanisms underlying healing. The healing process is conceived as a body-mind-soul process that brings a person to a state of balanced synthesis between a variety of energy fields, local and non-local, individual and communal. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/387

Light & Shadow by Steven E. Kaufman

Shadows cannot arise within complete darkness. Perception cannot arise in the absence of Consciousness. Shadows are different in nature than the light that is required for them to arise and what is perceived is different in nature than the Consciousness that is required for it to arise. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/391

The One Light that Shines through All the Drops Steven E. Kaufman

Know yourself not as just one of the many drops that rests on the leaves after a rain. Know your Self instead as the One Light, the Light of Consciousness, that shines through all the drops, and there will then be no mistake in Identity, since the Light cannot seem to possess That which It already Knows Itself to Be. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/392

This Moment by Steven E. Kaufman

When we Know our self as the Formlessness, we also know that this Moment is sufficient unto Itself, and that nothing can be added to It or subtracted from It. When we know our self as form, we see this Moment as either lacking what we want, lacking what we think needs to be added to our form-identity, so that we can be made more, or possessing what we do not want, possessing what we think needs to be subtracted from our form-identity, so that we will not be made less. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/393

The Next Moment by Steven E. Kaufman

When you are in the next moment, looking for the Divine, looking for some sort of fulfillment, you are really still in this moment, in the Now, but having shrouded yourself in the form that is the next moment, the Divinity that Is Now is obscured, and so fulfillment eludes you. True fulfillment comes with finding the Divine, and Knowing yourself as That. The illusion of fulfillment comes with acquiring some form, and adding that form to one's form-identity. True fulfillment does not end. The illusion of fulfillment ends almost as soon as it has begun. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/394

The Two Relations of Consciousness to Itself Steven E. Kaufman

We are the Creators of form. We are not created by form, nor are we form. We are the Formlessness in which form arises and by which form is apprehended. And what causes form to arise so that we can apprehend it? What causes form to arise is always some relation of Formlessness to Itself. And there are really only two fundamental relations of Formlessness to Itself: Self-alignment or Self-opposition. With Self-alignment comes Self-Knowledge, Knowledge of one's true Nature, as well as the absence of suffering, whereas with Self-opposition comes Self-ignorance, the obscuring of one's true Nature, as well as the presence of suffering. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/395

The Flow of Being & the Creation of Suffering by Steven E. Kaufman

By clinging to and resisting the forms, the experiences, that arise within our Consciousness, we unconsciously Flow our Consciousness in opposition to Itself, and in so doing we provide resistance to our own Flow of Consciousness, thereby reducing that Flow of Consciousness, which reduction in Flow of Consciousness is apprehended by the Consciousness that is reducing its own Flow as suffering, as the self-induced constriction and seeming suffocation and of its own Being. The reactive clinging to and resistance of the forms, the experiences, that arise within Consciousness, occurs as a result of formless Consciousness misidentifying Itself with forms that also arise within Itself, causing Consciousness to know itself as what is really nothing more than a collection of forms, which collection of forms is collectively referred to as the ego. Once form-identification is established, i.e., once Consciousness knows itself as an ego, as a me, it then seems that other forms can be added to or subtracted from the collection of forms that Consciousness mistakenly knows as itself, thereby establishing the basis for the reactive movements of attachment and aversion, for our reactive clinging to and resisting of form, by which reactive movements we unconsciously Flow our Consciousness in opposition to Itself and so unconsciously create our own suffering. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/396

The Nature of Ultimate Reality & Recipe of Consciousness for Transformation by Pradeep B. Deshpande

Understanding the nature of ultimate reality is the basis for a better World. Adding thoughts, intentions, and emotions to this understanding, we will have the complete recipe of consciousness for transformation. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/398

God-Realization, Near Death Experience & Life after Death in Religion


God-Realization, Near Death Experience & Life after Death in Religion

The Nature of "Space" Proves the Existence of "God" by James Kowall

A purely mathematical-physical argument is made proving the existence of "God" in the Hindu sense of Brahman: as an empty space of potentiality that is the source of consciousness and the "ultimate power underlying the universe; the ultimate impersonal reality underlying everything in the universe, from which everything comes and to which it returns". See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/329

The Experience of the Brink of Death & the Life after Death in Religion (Part I) by Kamel B. Salem

As the intensive care techniques improve, more and more patients are brought back to life from the frontier of clinical death. Some of them tell about their significantly intense experience when they seem to live and function outside their body. First, we shall present the various stages of a near death experience (NDE). We shall particularly explain why the observed phenomena during an NDE are troubling and destabilizing for the adepts of certain religions. Second, we shall analyze and interpret these phenomena according to different points of view. We then discuss life in the hereafter and exhibit some of its properties. In this paper we shall also raise the issue of premonitory dreams which constitute a mystery for scientists. Part I of this two-part article includes: 1. Introduction; 2. The Main Stages of the Experience on the Brink of Death; 3. Assessment & Interpretation of the Facts Observed during an NDE. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/330

The Experience of the Brink of Death & the Life after Death in Religion (Part II) by Kamel B. Salem

As the intensive care techniques improve, more and more patients are brought back to life from the frontier of clinical death. Some of them tell about their significantly intense experience when they seem to live and function outside their body. First, we shall present the various stages of a near death experience (NDE). We shall particularly explain why the observed phenomena during an NDE are troubling and destabilizing for the adepts of certain religions. Second, we shall analyze and interpret these phenomena according to different points of view. We then discuss life in the hereafter and exhibit some of its properties. In this paper we shall also raise the issue of premonitory dreams which constitute a mystery for scientists. Part II of this two-part article includes: 4. Life after Death according to the Holy Scriptures; 5. Conclusions; and References. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/331

Knowing & knowing by Steven E. Kaufman

The Knowledge that the Formless gives is the Consciousness of Itself - Formlessness apprehending Formlessness. The knowledge that form gives is the Consciousness of an object - the Consciousness of a form - Formlessness apprehending form. Thus, both Knowledge and knowledge are apprehended by the same Formlessness. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/338

At One with All Life by Steven E. Kaufman

At One with all Life. No longer just a concept, but the direct Realization of the indivisible Formlessness that just Is. See http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/339

Indicators of Stress, Consciousness from Nothingness & Reviews of Near Death Experiences


Indicators of Stress, Consciousness from Nothingness & Reviews of Near Death Experiences

Non-invasive Indicators of Stress and Bioenergy Disruption & Benefit of Meditation in Relieving Stress by Pradeep B. Deshpande, Konstantin Korotkov

The bioenergy field of seven individuals known to be suffering from chronically high stress levels was measured with a gas-discharge-visualization (GDV) device revealing that their bioenergy fields were severely disrupted recording high to very high numerical values of stress levels and severely off-balance chakras. Stress is known to be a marker for a number of ailments and has been shown to have a negative effect on aging. Since meditation has been shown to reverse the negative effect of stress, the information reported in this paper nicely supplements and complements traditional medical approaches to illnesses and should be useful in the light of the ever-increasing healthcare costs. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/400

Consciousness from Nothingness by Alex Vary

This paper explores the theoretically instantaneous stochastic inauguration and evolution of the cosmos and the parallel emergence of human consciousness from nothingness. The reality of the energetic substratum as the foundation of the physiostratum and the cosmos is evident. The emergence of sentient life and human consciousness seems to be the result of negentropy and an improbable interweaving of chance and choice. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/401

Near Death Experiences & Afterlife in Religions (Part I) by Kamel B. Salem

As the intensive care techniques improve, more and more patients are brought back to life from the frontier of clinical death. Some of them tell about their significantly intense experience when they seem to live and function outside their body. First, we shall present the various stages of a near death experience (NDE). We shall particularly explain why the observed phenomena during an NDE are troubling and destabilizing for the adepts of certain religions. Second, we shall analyze and interpret these phenomena according to different points of view. We then discuss life in the hereafter and exhibit some of its properties. In this paper we shall also raise the issue of premonitory dreams which constitute a mystery for scientists. Part I of this two-part article includes: 1. Introduction; 2. The Main Stages of the Experience on the Brink of Death; 3. Assessment & Interpretation of the Facts Observed during an NDE. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/402

Near Death Experiences & Afterlife in Religions (Part II) by Kamel B. Salem

As the intensive care techniques improve, more and more patients are brought back to life from the frontier of clinical death. Some of them tell about their significantly intense experience when they seem to live and function outside their body. First, we shall present the various stages of a near death experience (NDE). We shall particularly explain why the observed phenomena during an NDE are troubling and destabilizing for the adepts of certain religions. Second, we shall analyze and interpret these phenomena according to different points of view. We then discuss life in the hereafter and exhibit some of its properties. In this paper we shall also raise the issue of premonitory dreams which constitute a mystery for scientists. Part II of this two-part article includes: 4. Life after Death according to the Holy Scriptures; 5. Conclusions; and References. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/403

Knowing & knowing by Steven E. Kaufman

The Knowledge that the Formless gives is the Consciousness of Itself - Formlessness apprehending Formlessness. The knowledge that form gives is the Consciousness of an object - the Consciousness of a form - Formlessness apprehending form. Thus, both Knowledge and knowledge are apprehended by the same Formlessness. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/404

At One with All Life by Steven E. Kaufman

At One with all Life. No longer just a concept, but the direct Realization of the indivisible Formlessness that just Is. See http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/405

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