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Easiest way to prove that there is a God


Easiest Way to prove that there is a God

We know that at the speed of light time totally stops. With this scanty material in our hand we can easily show that there is indeed a timeless and deathless entity in our universe.

For doing this we will have to philosophize a bit here, although we know very well that most of the scientists hate philosophy. But we are helpless. However, we promise that it will be as simple as possible.

As hardness is the property of a hard thing, so timelessness is the property of a timeless entity. We cannot think of hardness as separately existing apart from a hard thing. Similarly we cannot think of timelessness as separately existing apart from a timeless entity. So the property of timelessness is an inherent or inalienable property of a timeless entity. The timeless entity will have this property of timelessness by virtue of it being timeless, or simply by default. We need not have to search for any other reason as to how it has acquired its so-called property of timelessness. But it may also be the case that there is some other entity in our universe that will have this property of timelessness, but that will not necessarily be timeless. If we find that there is really such an entity, then the problem arises. Because in that case we cannot say that this entity possesses the property of timelessness simply by default. And we will have to find out as to how that particular entity not being itself timeless can still have the property of timelessness.

But in our universe is there really any such entity that is not timeless, but that still possesses the property of timelessness? Yes, there is, and light is such an entity. Light has the property of timelessness, but light itself is not timeless. Light has the property of timelessness, because at the speed of light time totally stops. But light itself is not timeless, because light does not possess the most essential property of a timeless entity, which is its everlastingness. A timeless entity will also be immortal, everlasting. It can never cease to be. Death is some sort of change. I am very much alive at this moment. But at the very next moment I may die. But in the world of a timeless entity this very next moment will never arrive, and therefore a timeless entity will never cease to be; it will be everlasting. But we cannot say the same thing about light. We can switch any light bulb on at any time, and we can switch it off at any other time. If light were really timeless, then any light bulb once switched on would have glowed eternally, everlastingly. Our sun has burned for the last 5 billion years, and perhaps it will burn for another 5 billion years. Then one day it will also extinguish. So, although it is true that in case of light time totally stops, yet in spite of that fact we cannot say that light is timeless as well. So, even if we find that light possesses the property of timelessness, still we cannot say that it possesses this property simply by default, and the only conclusion that we can arrive at here is that it must have received this property from some other outside source. But from which outside source can it receive this property? Of course from that source only that will have this property of timelessness. But for having that property the source must have to be timeless, that is, that source must have that property by default only, as otherwise there will be an infinite regress.

So, the property of timelessness of light proves that there is a timeless entity in this universe. As we have seen a timeless entity is also a deathless entity, so we can say that the property of light proves that there is a timeless and deathless entity in this universe.

This is the only possible explanation that can be given for the so-called property of light.

We have been compelled to arrive at this conclusion solely due to the fact that light has the property of timelessness in spite of the fact that it itself is not timeless.

If there were things in this universe that were themselves not hard but that were still having the property of hardness, then we would have arrived at the same conclusion about those things also, that all those things had received their property of hardness from a hard thing that would have its property of hardness simply by default. In that case we would also have said: existence of such things in our universe proves the existence of at least one hard thing in our universe. But I think, and I can even say that I am absolutely certain about it, that nobody will be able to cite an example of such a single thing existing in this universe; the exceptional thing having the property of hardness while itself not being hard. In that respect we can even say that light is the only exception of its kind in our universe; an entity having the property of timelessness (hardness) but itself not being timeless (hard).

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