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My Encounter with God: Part IX


My Encounter with God: Part IX

After I came back to Kolkata, my first job was to publish my first book in Bengali, showing that there was indeed a God. It was published in January, 2003. I gave the book for reviewing purpose to one Bengali daily newspaper and another to one Bengali literary magazine of very high repute. Review done in the newspaper was very brief, but it was not unfavorable to the book. But the review done in the literary magazine was very harsh and cruel. But the reviewer was dishonest, because he very scrupulously remained totally silent in his review about that particular portion of the book where I had given my reason as to why the mystical experience could not be discarded as a mere hallucination. Whereas in case of an ordinary hallucination no conclusion can be drawn about the external world that can be tested and verified as true, it is quite otherwise in case of a mystical experience. In a genuine mystical experience mystic reports that he has met a being who is spaceless and timeless. In brief, a mystic has a sense of spacelessness and timelessness during such an experience. I showed in my book that if there was really such a being that was spaceless and timeless, then his presence would make space and time in our universe relative. Science has also shown that space and time are indeed relative. So on the basis of this we can say that mystical experience is not a hallucination, and that therefore we can further conclude that God is also real. But atheists are perhaps everywhere of the same character. Once they are convinced that there is no God, you will never be able to change their conviction. Even if you have got genuine reason on your side, they will simply ignore it. Actually, after dealing for so many years with the atheists through the internet I have come to the conclusion that atheists are mostly dogmatic. Their non-belief is dogmatically held, as some of the beliefs of some theists are also held dogmatically. However, we will do them a great injustice if we say that all the atheists are dogmatic, because there are some open-minded atheists also. They are ready to change their conviction if they are offered genuine proof/evidence for the existence of God.

Now let me return to the main theme. Although the reviewer dishonestly ignored the proof/evidence offered by me for the existence of God, yet he raised a very important question in his review for which I had no answer at that time. God is said to be spaceless and timeless, and science has shown that light has some very peculiar properties. In my book I have shown that with the help of these properties of light the attributes of God can be easily explained. His question was: after knowing about the properties of light from science how can I jump to the conclusion that God has also got exactly the same properties as those of light? How do I come to know that God and light are the same? What is the relation between God and light? This was in the year 2003, and it took almost five years before I was successful in showing the actual relation between God and light. During the period in between I argued like this: I do not know anything about the relation between God and light. However I do know one thing. I find that with the properties of light the attributes of God can be explained. That is all.

Now let me describe how I was ultimately successful in showing that God was light. First of all I came to know that anything having zero rest-mass would have the speed of light. In other words, it would be some sort of light. This was as per the special theory of relativity of Einstein. After knowing this I would argue that perhaps God was also having zero rest-mass, and that perhaps that was the reason as to why God would have all the properties of light. But this was only an argument and at that time I had no evidence with which to substantiate my argument. Then subsequently I came to know that the total energy of the universe was zero. If the total energy is zero, then the total mass will also have to be zero, because we now know that mass and energy are equivalent. So, if the total mass of the universe is zero, then the total mass of God will also be zero. This is because if there is a God, then it was in no way possible for the scientists to keep that God aside and then calculate the total energy and mass of the universe. So, if the total mass and energy of the universe are zero, then the total mass and energy of God are also zero. If the total mass of God is zero, then God would also be light. So ultimately it was established that God was light.

However there is a scope for misconception here. Here one may think that I meant to say that God was some sort of electromagnetic radiation. But it is not actually the case. We find that light has got some properties that are just the same as those of the attributes of God, and that is the reason as to why we say that God is light. If instead of light these attributes were found in sound, then we would have said: God is sound. But God has chosen light, and not sound, as a medium through which to display his attributes to mankind, and thus the things so stand that God is called light.

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